Getting Back to Normal

Posted on May 22, 2016 by

It’s not uncommon for me to plop down on the couch when I get home from work and not be in the mood to get up and be active. There’s been more than one occasion where I’ve even considered canceling a session with my trainer (I’m proud to say I’ve never actually done that though).

The [not-so] funny thing is that when I’m not exercising regularly and eating well is when I find myself more tired and lacking energy, making it even more difficult to get back to it!

Between skipping workouts because I’m too tired or I have no time, and my love for indulging in delicious food, there have been many times that I’ve stumbled along my fitness journey. Many times where I’ve gone days (weeks even – I will admit) without regular workouts or good eating habits.

While I have gotten much better at choosing my breaks and food-celebrations, I still find that one of the hardest things is getting back to my normal routine when I do go off track.

Here are some tips that I use to help me get back to normal:

  1. Remind yourself what your Normal is
  2. Staying up late indulging in a hot fudge sundae while you binge-watching a TV series on Netflix is NOT the norm. Throwing back martinis and nibbling on tapas every evening is NOT the norm. Sleeping in until 3pm and eating cake for breakfast is NOT the norm.

    I think you get the point. Behaviours that are enjoyable but that detract from your goals should not be your normal. These are special treats that you allow yourself on occasion.

    Normal should be those behaviours and habits that keep you on the path towards your goals. Eating well, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly not only are the behaviours you need to reach your health and fitness goals, they provide the energy and mental clarity to work towards all your other goals.

  3. Find or Build a new playlist
  4. Music can be a powerful motivator so use that to your advantage and assemble a steady stream of hype tracks that will get – and keep – you moving.

    If you don’t want to build your own list there are plenty of curated playlists freely available so sample a few and see what you like. Search on places like YouTube, Spotify, or Google Play Music.

    Don’t limit this to your workouts – compile a list of chill sleepy-time songs or build a playlist for your meal prep sessions as well. Singing and dancing in the kitchen can make chopping vegetables more fun!

  5. Take in some motivational content
  6. If you have a motivational board now’s the time to review it. Take a moment on each item to really read or see what it is about and let the message sink in. Don’t have a motivational board? You’re in luck – there is TONS of content out there on the web. If you have a Pinterest account you can check out my personal motivation board here. You can also just do a Google image search for the word “motivation” and take a look at what comes up.

  7. Review your goals and why you are chasing after them
  8. Take a few minutes to write down what your goals are and think about why these are your goals. If you can’t think of why you want something then maybe it’s not the right goal for you. Everyone is unique so one person’s goals may not fit someone else. Don’t let society or other people define what your goals are – make sure YOU have a personal connection with them.

    Reviewing your goals or setting new ones can help you re-focus and get motivated to get to work on achieving them.

  9. Consider changing it up
  10. If your normal routine has become stale and you find yourself dreading going back to it try adding a new element to get you excited. Sign up for a new type of fitness class or add a new healthy food or recipe to your meal plan. Normal doesn’t mean boring.

One other thing to keep in mind is that it’s okay to go off track sometimes and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Don’t beat yourself up when it comes to getting back on track after a break, no matter how long that break was.

Onwards and upwards!


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This awesome post was written by Lori-Anne C

I am a software developer in my thirties and I’m on journey – a journey to be healthy and get fit. I invite you to follow along as I share my challenges and successes!